I loved the tour that Peter Fag gave us in Preston because it really brought all that we had bee learning about in class to life. We walked to where the missionaries, including Heber C. Kimball, lived and heard the tales about their experiences there. I enjoyed visiting the site of the Vauxhall Chapel, and hearing the "dusting the feet" story associated with it.
I particularly enjoyed visiting the River Ribble. I knew it was special, but I didn't know it was going to be so beautiful too! I could almost see George Watts racing down the hill, so he could have the privilege of being the first saint in England to be baptized into the church. This is also where my ancestor Robert McBride was baptized. It is probable that he was there watching when Watts and the very first members of the church were baptized. He was baptized on the second day of baptisms, and proved to be a faithful member of the church ever since. He was among the truth seekers at the Vauxhall Chapel, and I believe that he found the truth he was looking for.My impression of this place, and our guide's information that he have on it, was that it was prepared for the work. The people in Preston were searching for truth, and their hearts were open to the message of the gospel. When the missionaries arrived, there was a large banner for elections reading, "Truth Will Prevail." And considering the overwhelming success of the missionaries there, I think truth did prevail in Preston.
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